The Times: ‘Discredited bitcoin ‘creator’ faces perjury investigation’

“An Australian computer scientist who was found by a High Court judge in London to have falsely claimed to have invented bitcoin could face a criminal investigation for alleged perjury.

Craig Wright, 53, had publicly claimed to be the true figure behind Satoshi Nakamoto, the author of the 2008 academic paper that serves as the foundational text for the cryptocurrency.

Mr Justice Mellor ruled in March there was “overwhelming” evidence that Wright was not Satoshi and in a later written judgement said that Wright had “lied to the court extensively and repeatedly”. The judge said he was satisfied that some of the evidence he had supplied had been “forged on a grand scale”.

In a further ruling on Tuesday the judge said he was referring Wright to the Crown Prosecution Service to consider “whether a prosecution should be commenced against Dr Wright for his wholescale perjury and forgery of documents”.

The judge added that prosecutors should consider “whether a warrant for his arrest should be issued and/or whether his extradition should be sought from wherever he now is”.”

Read the full story at the Times