Daily Mail: ‘Computer scientist lied that he was Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto and committed ‘clumsy’ forgeries ‘on a grand scale”

“The High Court has ruled that a computer scientist lied ‘extensively and repeatedly’ in a failed bid to claim he was Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonym attributed to the person credited with creating Bitcoin. 

Dr Craig Wright lost a legal battle with the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (Copa), a non-profit group including cryptocurrency firms, in March after the group claimed he committed ‘forgery on an industrial scale’ to support a ‘brazen lie’ that he was Satoshi.

Following a five-week trial, High Court judge Mr Justice Mellor ruled that there was ‘overwhelming’ evidence to prove that the Australian was not behind the pseudonym, and had not written the cryptocurrency’s founding document, known as the Bitcoin White Paper.

In written reasons for his decision, handed down on Monday, the judge said that he was ‘entirely satisfied’ that Dr Wright repeatedly lied and committed ‘clumsy’ forgeries ‘on a grand scale’ to support his claims.

He said: ‘Dr Wright presents himself as an extremely clever person. However, in my judgment, he is not nearly as clever as he thinks he is.”

Read the full story at Daily Mail