Decrypt: ‘Jack Dorsey-Backed COPA Wants Satoshi Nakamoto ‘False Narrative’ Put to Rest’

“Formed in 2020 and backed by Twitter founder and Square CEO Jack Dorsey, COPA advocates for the long-term freedom of the Bitcoin and open-source community. Highlighting the incentives Wright has in claiming to be the creator of Bitcoin, COPA argued that he has had plenty of time to prove it, and that the burden of proof is Wright’s alone.

“The Court has afforded him a fresh opportunity in these proceedings to make good his claim,” COPA attornies wrote, adding that the question of identity is an essential precursor to Wright’s claims of copyright infringement of the Bitcoin whitepaper.

Because Wright has not been able to sufficiently prove his claim of being Nakamoto, COPA asked the court to find that Wright should “no longer be permitted to intimidate the Bitcoin developer community by pretending that he wrote the Bitcoin WhitePaper.”

Last month, Wright published a letter offering a settlement with COPA to avoid a new trial and the proof requirement.

“In clear demonstration of the sincerity of my offer, I agree to waive my database rights and copyrights relating to BTC, BCH, and ABC databases, and to offer an irrevocable license in perpetuity to my opposing parties who collectively control, operate, and/or own those databases, in pursuit of encouraging the open commercialization of technologies in a competitive and fair market, where intellectual property rights are respected and exploited,” Wright said. “I intend for this offer to enable them to compete fairly, in parallel with BSV.”

The offer received a hard pass from COPA.

“Just like Craig Wright forges documents and doesn’t quite tell the truth, his description of the settlement offer isn’t quite accurate either – it comes with loopholes that would allow him to sue people all over again,” COPA said.”

Read the full article at Decrypt