Law360: ‘Wright Blames Enemies For Forged Email In Satoshi Trial’

“Craig Wright hit back on Friday at accusations that he forged an email amid a trial over his claims that he is the inventor of bitcoin, telling a London court that an enemy could have doctored the message to sabotage his case.

Craig Wright has denied manipulating email evidence in February during the ongoing High Court trial over his controversial claim to be Satoshi Nakamoto.

The Australian computer scientist emphatically denied manipulating email evidence in late February during the High Court trial over his controversial claim to be Satoshi Nakamoto — the cryptocurrency’s pseudonymous inventor — which is still underway.

Wright, who was recalled to give evidence after concerns were raised about the email on Monday, said that he had not faked it to mislead the court about what information he had shared with his former lawyers, Ontier LLP, in 2019.

Jonathan Hough KC of 4 New Square Chambers, representing the Crypto Open Patent Alliance, asked Wright if he had “forged an email during trial to back up a dishonest account.” The alliance, known as COPA, is a group of developers challenging Wright’s claim to ownership of the bitcoin intellectual property.

“No,” Wright replied, before offering technical explanations for the anomalous email.

Wright later claimed that the email could have been faked by a third party to scuttle his case. He told the court that he suspected several people of plotting to sabotage him and that his home had been bugged and broken into multiple times.”

Read the full article at Law360