WIRED: ‘The Puzzling Testimony of Craig Wright, Self-Styled Inventor of Bitcoin’

“The cross-examination of Craig Wright, a computer scientist defending his claims to be the inventor of Bitcoin in court, proceeded fitfully over the course of seven days. In the UK High Court, opposing counsel Jonathan Hough bombarded Wright with examples of what he argued were anomalies that showed Wright had forged or manipulated evidence on which his claim to being the elusive Satoshi Nakamoto depends. He contested them all, weaving a patchwork of justifications whose thread became increasingly difficult to follow.

“This is just another fairy story, isn’t it,” said Hough on Wednesday, losing patience with Wright, from whom he stood opposite in a packed London courtroom. “No, it is not,” Wright replied. It was the ninth hour of a cross-examination that would last more than 30. This type of exchange would repeat over and again: “We’re going round in circles,” said Hough in one instance. “You are simply saying that black is white,” he told Wright, in another.

Wright was being cross-examined as part of a case brought against him by the Crypto Open Patent Alliance, a nonprofit consortium of crypto and tech firms. Since 2016, Wright has claimed to be Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, and filed a raft of intellectual property lawsuits on that basis. To prevent Wright from pursuing further litigation that could intimidate developers into retreating from Bitcoin, COPA is asking the court to declare that he is not Nakamoto.

The ruling will spill over into three related cases, brought by Wright against Bitcoin developers and other parties, the outcome of which will shape the future development of Bitcoin. If the court rules in Wright’s favor, and he subsequently wins his own cases, he would be free to dictate who can work on the Bitcoin codebase and under what terms the system can be used. “In the eyes of the law, [Wright] is asking for ultimate control over the Bitcoin network,” claims a representative of the Bitcoin Legal Defense Fund, a nonprofit that is funding the defense of Bitcoin developers in a separate lawsuit filed by Wright, who asked to remain nameless for fear of legal retaliation.

For every anomaly presented by COPA, Wright supplied an explanation. He claimed, variously, that a printing error had caused a misalignment of pixels that gave the appearance of tampering; the complexity of the IT systems used in the editing and storage of documents was not reflected in the testing conducted by the experts; and that his documents may have been altered by staff members in whose custody they had been left. In instances where Wright agreed that a document was inauthentic, he said he had fallen victim to cybersecurity breaches, had never intended to rely on them to support his claim, or implied that documents had been planted by adversaries to undermine him.

A central feature of Wright’s strategy for deflecting the forgery allegations appeared to be to cast doubt on the credibility of the forensic experts. Prior to the start of the trial, experts put forward by both sides had jointly concluded that many of Wright’s documents bear signs of manipulation. In the witness box, Wright claimed that COPA’s expert is “completely biased.” Presented with the unflattering findings of his own experts, Wright declared them “unskilled” or otherwise unqualified, blaming his previous solicitors for selecting them.

If he had actually set out to forge evidence, Wright insisted, citing his own qualifications in digital forensics, the forgeries would not be nearly so amateurish. “The irony is that if I were to manipulate or fabricate documents, they would be perfect,” he said. On various occasions, Wright cited his own personal testing—which Hough reminded him repeatedly was inadmissible—to explain how documents might end up bearing signs of tampering for innocuous reasons.”

Read the full story on WIRED

El Pais: ‘The only man who claims credit for the invention of Bitcoin goes to trial’

“COPA states that [Wright] has never provided any authentic evidence and accuses him of repeatedly altering documents. Wright blames others, including former lawyers and partners, for the forgeries.

COPA’s lawyer, Jonathan Hough, noted at trial that “there are elements of Dr. Wright’s conduct that stray into farce,” such as the alleged use of ChatGPT for the forgeries. COPA claims, for instance, that one text contains a manipulated timestamp, with numbers in visibly different fonts to make it appear to predate the Bitcoin white paper. Wright response was: “If I forged that document, it would be perfect.”

In 2019, Wright stated he created Bitcoin with Dave Kleiman and Hal Finney. The former had sued him in Florida in 2018 over rights to Bitcoin worth more than $5 billion, alleging that Wright had defrauded him in of the currency and intellectual property rights. In 2019, a judge ruled that Kleiman owned half of the Bitcoin he mined with Wright between 2009 and 2013, and ordered him to transfer half of the company’s intellectual property, but it did not address the issue of whether Wright was Satoshi Nakamoto or not. “The story defies common sense and real-life experience,” the judge declared.

Wright, however, believes that this and other sentences against him are actually arguments in favor of his main claim. He also defends himself with the argument that no one else has claimed to be Nakamoto.”

Read the full article on El Pais

CoinDesk: ‘Craig Wright Told by UK Court to Stop Making ‘Irrelevant Allegations’ as COPA Trial Continues’

“Australian computer scientist Craig Wright unleashed fresh allegations against several members of the crypto community and was in turn accused of offering different versions of the same story in court as his cross-examination in a trial over his claims of having invented Bitcoin (BTC) continued in a U.K. high court.

In a particularly heated exchange following a lunch break, COPA counsel, Bird & Bird LLP’s Jonathan Hough, asked Wright to stop making “irrelevant allegations” and to “answer the question.” Wright had just accused COPA members of turning Bitcoin into a “money-go-up-token scam.”

When Wright protested, presiding Judge James Mellor intervened, saying arguments about the current state of the Bitcoin system were not going to help him make a judgment on the case – which is focused on whether or not Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous author of Bitcoin’s manifesto, called the white paper.

“Counsel is quite right to stop you because it sheds no light whatsoever on the issue I have to decide. Do you understand?” Mellor said, to which Wright replied: “I do.””

Read the full story on CoinDesk

Financial Review: ‘Being Satoshi: Inside Craig Wright’s Decade-Long Fight to be the Inventor of Bitcoin’

“In London, [Wright] is lining up against the powerful Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA), an organisation backed by a list of the tech and crypto world’s biggest names, including Jack Dorsey’s Square and, until very recently, Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta.

For those betting on a blockchain-based future of payments, the stakes could scarcely be higher. COPA wants to prove once and for all that Wright is not Satoshi and, as such, has no legal claim to the underlying blockchain technology. That would, they say, clear the way for the code to be used patent-free across everything from digital currencies to voting in elections and operating internet of things appliances.

For his part, Wright claims intellectual property rights over the blockchain protocol and the famed Satoshi white paper. He claims cryptocurrencies are ultimately a Ponzi scheme, and that the paper he – as Satoshi Nakamoto – published in 2008 described a form of digital cash that cut out the banks by facilitating secure, provable payments for almost no cost. Wright says bitcoin was meant to allow billions of people to transact directly, without the need for a bank, not be an anonymous tool for criminals or a get-rich-quick scheme for speculators.

At the heart of everything is a system that delivers unimpeachable truth, he says.

But to win, Wright, 53, faces a sizeable challenge, and verifiable truth is at its heart. In years of pre-trial arguments, lawyers for COPA have indicated – and the court has accepted – that they will rely heavily on evidence that a history of unreliable documentation, such as that which underwhelmed the ATO and resulted in CO1N being slapped with a $2 million penalty, make Wright’s claims to be Satoshi unsustainable.”

Read the full article on the Financial Review

Forbes: ‘Craig Wright’s High-Stakes Legal Battle Over Bitcoin’s Origin And Copyright’

“Wright’s claims of being Satoshi Nakamoto, the creator of bitcoin, were met with skepticism and labeled as “a brazen lie” by COPA’s legal team. The focal point of the dispute centered around the copyright of the bitcoin whitepaper and the intellectual property rights associated with the bitcoin blockchain.

Within these contentious claims, Wright’s assertion about the origin of the bitcoin whitepaper and its preliminary version, referred to as ‘BlackNet,’ emerged as a focal aspect of the debate.

During the proceedings, when questioned about the origins of the bitcoin whitepaper, which Wright alleges was initially titled ‘BlackNet,’ the court observed the striking similarities between this document and the bitcoin whitepaper. Wright defended his stance by saying, ‘I am allowed to self plagiarise,’ indicating that both works were indeed his own creation by claiming he wrote both papers.

As the cross-examination continued, Wright’s demeanor fluctuated between smugness and evasiveness, particularly when confronted with allegations of document forgery. COPA’s strategy aimed to dismantle Wright’s claims through meticulous questioning and the presentation of evidence that questioned the authenticity of documents Wright had produced to support his claim to the Satoshi identity.

Wright’s credibility faced severe tests, notably regarding the domain issue and a video he recorded, which raised questions about the authenticity of his claims. Wright’s attempt to prove his ownership of bitcoin domains through a video demonstration backfired due to evident discrepancies and an apparent manipulation of evidence. This episode added layers of doubt to his narrative.

The situation was compounded by the confusion surrounding his credit card statements. Wright provided inconsistent explanations that were meticulously refuted by COPA’s legal team, led by Jonathan Hough. Hough presented solid documentation, including receipts and statements, that contradicted Wright’s accounts.

Wright maintained his claim to the Satoshi identity, even as the evidence presented by COPA painted a picture of inconsistency and confusion. The court scrutinized various documents, including those with misaligned numerals and disputed origins, challenging Wright’s claims of authenticity. The cross-examination revealed a complex web of claims and counterclaims, with Wright’s responses often leading to more questions than answers.”

Read the full article at Forbes

Decrypt: ‘Jack Dorsey-Backed COPA Wants Satoshi Nakamoto ‘False Narrative’ Put to Rest’

“Formed in 2020 and backed by Twitter founder and Square CEO Jack Dorsey, COPA advocates for the long-term freedom of the Bitcoin and open-source community. Highlighting the incentives Wright has in claiming to be the creator of Bitcoin, COPA argued that he has had plenty of time to prove it, and that the burden of proof is Wright’s alone.

“The Court has afforded him a fresh opportunity in these proceedings to make good his claim,” COPA attornies wrote, adding that the question of identity is an essential precursor to Wright’s claims of copyright infringement of the Bitcoin whitepaper.

Because Wright has not been able to sufficiently prove his claim of being Nakamoto, COPA asked the court to find that Wright should “no longer be permitted to intimidate the Bitcoin developer community by pretending that he wrote the Bitcoin WhitePaper.”

Last month, Wright published a letter offering a settlement with COPA to avoid a new trial and the proof requirement.

“In clear demonstration of the sincerity of my offer, I agree to waive my database rights and copyrights relating to BTC, BCH, and ABC databases, and to offer an irrevocable license in perpetuity to my opposing parties who collectively control, operate, and/or own those databases, in pursuit of encouraging the open commercialization of technologies in a competitive and fair market, where intellectual property rights are respected and exploited,” Wright said. “I intend for this offer to enable them to compete fairly, in parallel with BSV.”

The offer received a hard pass from COPA.

“Just like Craig Wright forges documents and doesn’t quite tell the truth, his description of the settlement offer isn’t quite accurate either – it comes with loopholes that would allow him to sue people all over again,” COPA said.”

Read the full article at Decrypt

The Guardian: ‘Craig Wright’s claim he invented bitcoin a ‘brazen lie’, court told’

“An Australian computer scientist’s claim to be the author of the founding text of bitcoin is a “brazen lie”, the high court has heard.

Craig Wright’s assertion that he is the pseudonymous author Satoshi Nakamoto was at the centre of a trial that began on Monday, where the 53-year-old is being sued by a group of cryptocurrency exchanges and developers.

Jonathan Hough KC, representing the Crypto Patent Alliance [Copa], told the high court that Wright’s claim was a “brazen lie and elaborate false narrative supported by forgery on an industrial scale”. Copa, which is backed by Twitter founder Jack Dorsey, is seeking a “negative declaration” that Wright is not Nakamoto.

Elements of Wright’s conduct were reminiscent of a “farce”, said Hough, including the alleged use of ChatGPT to produce forgeries to back up his claims. Nevertheless, Hough said, Wright’s insistence that he was Nakamoto – a claim he first made in 2016 – had “deadly serious” consequences for individuals who had faced legal action based on his claims.

Hough said: “On the basis of his dishonest claim to be Satoshi, he has pursued claims he puts at hundreds of billions of dollars, including against numerous private individuals.”

In written submissions, Hough added: “Dr Wright has consistently failed to supply genuine proof of his claim to be Satoshi: instead, he has repeatedly proffered documents which bear clear signs of having been doctored.””

Read the full article on The Guardian

Coindesk: ‘ Craig Wright Accused of ‘Industrial Scale’ Forgeries in First Day of COPA Trial’

“In 2021, the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA), a nonprofit backed by Twitter founder Jack Dorsey and several high-profile industry players such as Coinbase and Microstrategy, sued Wright, challenging his claim to authorship of the manifesto, known as the Bitcoin white paper. While certainly not the first to have come after Wright, it might be the most intimidating alliance to take him on so far.

COPA in January rejected a proposal from Wright to settle the lawsuit and said it hoped that a favorable outcome from the trial would mean an end to the would-be Satoshi’s legal wars with the bitcoin community.

“The hope is at the end of this case, that when you stand up to a bully, the bully backs down and the bully stops,” a spokesperson for COPA told CoinDesk during an interview following Monday’s court session. “We’re seeking an injunction that’s going to preclude Dr. Wright from doing this ever again.”

In its lawsuit, COPA alleges in great detail that Wright forged the documents he has hitherto produced as proof that he is Satoshi.

“Wright’s claim to be Satoshi Nakamoto is a brazen lie and elaborate false narratives afforded by forgery on an industrial scale,” the COPA spokesperson said.”

Read the full article at CoinDesk

WIRED: ‘Craig Wright Claims He’s Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto. Can He Prove It in Court?’

“On February 5, a trial will begin in the UK High Court, the purpose of which is to challenge Wright’s claim to Satoshi-hood. The case is being brought by the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA), a nonprofit consortium of crypto and tech firms, in response to a slew of lawsuits filed by Wright against Bitcoin developers and other parties, in which he is trying to assert intellectual property rights over Bitcoin as its ostensible creator.

In its complaint, COPA claims that Wright’s behavior has had a “chilling effect,” obstructing the progress of Bitcoin by scaring away developers. It is seeking a declaration that Wright does not own the copyright to the white paper that first proposed Bitcoin and did not author the original code, and an injunction preventing him from saying otherwise. In effect, COPA is asking the court to rule that Wright is not Nakamoto.

The verdict will have direct implications for a tangle of interlocking cases, which will determine whether Wright can prevent developers from working on Bitcoin without his permission and dictate the terms under which the Bitcoin system can be used.

“The stakes are very high,” says a representative of the Bitcoin Legal Defense Fund, a nonprofit that helps Bitcoin developers defend against legal action, who asked to remain nameless for fear of legal retaliation from Wright. “In the eyes of the law,” they claim, Wright “is asking for ultimate control over the Bitcoin network.”

Read the full article at WIRED

CoinDesk: ‘Time to End Craig Wright’s Harassment Campaign Against Bitcoin Devs’

Coinbase’s Chief Legal Officer and Corporate Secretary Paul Grewal wrote an op-ed for Coindesk’s Consensus Magazine on behalf of the Crypto Open Patent Alliance arguing that Wright’s “baseless litigations against crypto developers…is a a drain on the talent and spirit of the crypto economy as a whole and needs to stop–now.”

“For years, Craig Wright has wielded the power of litigation as a weapon against anyone questioning his Satoshi claim. Through numerous lawsuits and scorched-earth litigation tactics for the few who were able to afford to put forward a defense at all, he has sought to financially drain and emotionally distress his opponents. This includes the entire Bitcoin developer community, many of whom contribute to the development of the Bitcoin ecosystem without any expectation of financial reward.

Wright’s harassment is not limited to court cases alone. He has also sent sinister messages to developers threatening use the legal system to ruin their lives and their families’ security and livelihood. Hardworking individuals have also been forced to abandon important Bitcoin development work due to reasonable fears of litigation they can’t afford to fight, or worries for themselves and loved ones in the face of Wright’s demonstrated willingness to inflict deep personal hurt through coercion.”

Read the full article at Coindesk